my lunar wrasse is a wimp


Premium Member
i justed started up a 75 aggressive FO about a month ago. my first addition was a blue damsel. i just added a lunar wrasse (he's probably about 4.5-5 inches long) to the tank last night. this morning i woke up to him being harassed by a little blue damsel. now i know damsels are territorial, but i mean cmon, it's a 5 inch lunar wrasse, which is supposed to be a very agressive fish, getting pushed around by a little tiny fish. anyways my concern is that he will stess the wrasse out too much, leading to his death. should i try to go fishing for the damsel, or give it some time and see if they decide to become buddies?
Did you try moving things around in the tank? That may help with agression. The wrasse is in a new situation, so he's probably just trying to adjust. I think it will become much more aggressive as it settles in.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Give the wrasse some time to adjust to his new home. Once he settles in that damsel will have his coming....

That being said don't let the size of a damsel fool you... they are TOUGH! I still have one of my original damsels from my original cycle. He's been in there over 2 years now. He holds his own with 2 puffers, 2 LIONS!!! (which could easily eat him), 1 Lunare, and 2 Triggers. Believe it not, he more than holds his own and actually torments some of the bigger fish on occasion... But the way I figure he deserves to!!! :D