My new 210 reef


After asking many questions and collecting a lot of opinions, I finally set up my 210 tank.
I started by reinforcing the floor. Since I was going to replace the carpet in the family room it was easier to tear up the plywood than to add additional joists from the basement - since I have a drop ceiling with electrical run between the joists. I added 6 additional 2x10's. The floor spans about 7 1/2 feet between the foundation and an "I" beam that runs through the middle of the room. I think I now have 9-10 joists under the tank 6' long tank.

Then I went to build the stand. I used a couple of stand designs from people on RC as my starting point. I had some extra 2x4's so I didn't mind "overbuilding" it. What do you think? Look strong enough? I added 3/4" plywood to the top and some cross braces across the top and bottom.

In case I need to recarpet the floor again, I decided to lay tile down where the tank will go. The tile covers a 3x8 area.

I quickly put together the canopy shell, added my new RO III pendants and started adding water.

I added the sand after I had a couple of inches of water in the tank. That led to cloudy water for about a week. I finally hooked up a filter sock filled with carbon and it cleared up in a couple of days.


I am still playing with the rock layout. I moved much of the rock from my old 75 gallon tank. Of course, having corals growing on the rocks makes setting up the new tank more difficult.

More pictures to follow.
Well impressed, looks like a really good construction job. Your tv is also the dogs (dunno who Rex Grossman is though!)
Framing of stand and canopy is almost complete. I still have to stain the wood, but I plan on staining it a natural color. Initially I was thinking I wanted ia darket look, but it is so large that I think it would look bad.


Some of the inhabitants:

similar to AOG or LOTR, but who knows...



recently aquired at a local frag swap



Any comments on the aquascaping? Initially I planned on having an island, but I scraped the idea. Instead I made a little cove on the right middle side of the tank. If nothing else, it give me a place to move rocks while I finalize my layout.
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