My New 75 gal Reef Tank


New member
Hi Folks,

My New 75 gal reef tank is up and running. It was a while in the making, but is finally done, It feels good to sit back and see your work. I now have lots of room to add corals of different types and with the Nova Extreme with Eight bulbs I have the lights for it. I even have room now to add some more fish. I will make sure I have pictures to bring to the meeting tonight. I added the wave 2K and the fish seem to love it. My sail fin tang is constantly swimming back and forth through the waves as well as the PJ Cardinals .

If I could load the pics here I would, but my pictures seem to be too big to load, Oh well, maybe Jon could give me some pointers on how to load them. :rollface: :D
Hey Tom, sorry I wasn't able to help set up the tank. If you can bring me any pics, digital or otherwise I will try to upload them later this week when things calm down. I have some room left on my website.