My new mushrooms are producing slime. is it normal


New member
Help - I bought mushrooms yesterday. I put them in my tank. this morning there is a bunch of slime coming off of them and they have shrunk. is this normal? are they dying? My tank was crystal clear and now it is cloudy from all the slime. someone please help. I dont know if they are dead. If i should remove them. do I need to do a water change?
YES you need to do a water change. All that slim production could have triggered something and maybe crashed the tank.
So far everything else in my tank is doing good. Is it normal for the mushrooms to have strings of slime hanging off of them? Are they going to die? or are they just getting use to the tank? I am going to do a water change is there anything else I should do?

another question - when you need to add salt to your tanks - How do you do it. example : add some to a little bit of water? add salt directly to tank? what?
update: I called to local pet store where I purchased the mushrooms and they are telling me that it is normal. They are shedding. Just the change in tanks and possibly my lighting vs theirs. anyone have any opinions on that?
Yeah, i have had that happen to me as well. I was told it can be caused by a few things...a change in lighting or water quality in their system vs your system, High nitrates, or sedimant setteling on the coral it self. I was cleaning one of my tanks and accidently dumped some sand off a rock on to a mushroom, shortly there after it began sliming and I could see the sand trapped in the slime. I took a turkey baster and gently forced the slime and sand off and the mushroom went back to normal.

Have you tested your water quality?
I think that they produce the slime as a defense mechanism or when they get stressed.

You said that you had put them in the tank the day before. How did you aclimate them to your aquarium?
Stress will usually do it.. I noticed my rics were noticably more slimey than my mushrooms but they had gone through shipping and not just a short drive home..

Keep the water quality as good as you can and they should perk up.. really hard to kill a shroom but you also don't want its .. goo to upset any other inhabitants in the tank either :)