My new Nano Tank :)

Chef Reef

In Memoriam
At last nights meeting i aquired a new goby. Well he's too small to put into my DT as he would most likely get eaten. He is only about 1/2 inch long. Currently he is in a critter keeper floating in my DT till i know the water parameter in the new 10 gal are going to stay steady. I used water from my DT to fill up the 10 gal and rock from my sump. Only reason im waiting to put him in there is to make sure the sand doesnt mess with the water becuase i put dry "dead" sand, that is clean, in the 10 gal.

Here is a picture of my Christmas goby (AKA GreenBanded Goby)Scientific name - "Elacatinus multifasciatum". He's kinda hard to see in the critter keeper. His maximum size is from 3/4 inch to 1 1/2 an inch.



Here is a close up of what he looks like that i pulled from off the internet so you can see a good picture of him :P


And here is his new home :)


What do you think?
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That is an awesome looking fish, I am happy to see that you are taking all the precautions before you place him in his new home, what kind of filtration? what else do you plan to put in there?
They are really cool fish but you might want to take some rock out. I have one in a 6g with VERY little rock and I hardly ever see it! I keep a lot of Macro algae in there for it to hunt for pods....hopefully soon I'll get some dwarf seahourses for the tank too! Good luck with it, There are lots of really cool tiny gobys like it you may want to look into.
Heck, if he is in that tank by himself, he doesn't NEED filtration! The rock would do it all by itself... maybe a tiny powerhead for water movement.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11668320#post11668320 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ludwigia73
Heck, if he is in that tank by himself, he doesn't NEED filtration! The rock would do it all by itself... maybe a tiny powerhead for water movement.

thats what i was thinking. lol i cant imagine how much bio load he is :P. but i think im gonna hook it up to a sump and just run a little seaclone or something. I think i'll just put other little gobys in there or just use it as a place to keep some frags.i thought about the seahorse thing as well but i dont know if im comfortable to try them out yet.
Congrats on the little fishy! I got the other one! I figured I wouldn't see him at all after I acclimated him last night and put him in the tank. I got home tonight and he was enjoying hanging out in my "hermit crab mobile homes for sale lot" in the back corner of my tank. Seems to be getting on's a couple of pics...


His colors have really come out since he's been in the tank.

Here's another view...I didn't have my good camera/macro lens, so these shots aren't the greatest...

wow that fish colored up awesome, it looked like a ghost shrimp in the bag. that thing looks sweet.
hey nanokat, is there any other fish in the tank with yours?

im glad i waiting to put him in the 10 gal, i had an amonia spike like i expected.
I already had a watchman goby in the tank, but he's very shy these days (was traumatized by my banded coral shrimp which are now deceased...but he's still hiding), and I just added a mimic tang (about 1 1/2" long) last night. It's funny cause the tang keeps hanging right next to the hole that this little green stripe prefers. Maybe they're making friends :) !
I tend to stick to less aggressive and smaller fish (of course, with a nano), so just about anything I might want would be okay. Right now I have three fish in my tank though, so probably won't add much of anything else...except maybe a mandarin.
I'm one of those that is very wary of emeralds...not for their fish eating, but I had one that was munching on my mushroom one night. I think he actually accidentally got a bit while grazing, but then after that night I began seeing many of my softies not looking too happy...think he acquired a taste after that little "accident." As far as with a tiny fish, I don't think I would do it though...I wouldn't put it past an emerald to at least take a swipe...