The light I purchased a metal halide/t5 combo fixture and ripped the metal halides out of the center and slide in my homemade custom aluminum heatsink I made from c channel I purchased at home depot i drilled and tapped every screw that holds the channels together and holds the leds in place, the LEDs are from China /bridgelux aquastyle online..the LEDs I just copied what some of the standard led full spectrum light fixtures are using newer layout is I'm going to order some cree leds and move some Leds around and mimic the radion g3 pro layout and see if that gives me some more growth.but I have been pretty happy with what I have received so far . the t5s are 3 blue plus and 1 purple plus but as of 3 days ago i put an aquablue special in place of one blue plus so i could take better pictures and its growing on will see...the led heatsink can be seen in my earlier post above.....I built everything for this tank except the tank and reef keeper and pumps etc.....I built the stand ,the garage room, framing ,electrical ,plumbing, insulation, air conditioning, drywall, paint..the stand in the garage room, the acrylic ato resovior ,the light fixture ,ect.ect.ect.