My PM box is empty

Mel keep it clean because I just purchased the 12Gal Nano DX from Jonathanws but never had a tank this small I will have lots of questions for you. prob.
I saw that...nice purchase.
I like the return pump to be a MJ900....if you keep you house cool all day like I do (75 degrees 24/7) then you could get away with an MJ1200. An MJ1200 eliminates the needing to use a second pump for flow. But if you go with the MJ900 then I would add a second small pump like a rio 90 or 180 for flow in the display.
I like a Hydor deflector on the return for the MJ900 and loc line for the MJ1200.
I use filter floss on the overflow (helps with removing big particles out of the water) I change it weekly with the water change.
Hey lulio, pm me or call me if you have any questions...hopefully I can help. :)