My Rimless Biocube


New member
So I've finally caved after watching my boyfriend enthuse over his tank and have decided to start my own :big_grin: We decided that we have too much fun with reefing not to add another tank, it was going to happen sooner or later. I will be making the decisions for the most part on this one, with his guidance of course. ;)

Here's the equipment I'm working with so far:

29 gallon Rimless Biocube - I love the cube design, and originally thought I would go with a Fluval tank, but I actually really like the look of the Biocubes without their canopy, which was originally why I did not like the Biocubes, so when we found a good deal on a rimless one, I had to jump on it! Glad I did =) It needed a little work before I was completely satisfied however, more on that to follow.

Finnex Digital 100w titanium Heater

JBJ ATO - spoiling myself here a little =P

Mp10 - and here... hehe

Reeftechpro LED - Very cool lights picked up from a local DIY reefer, great buy!
- 6 cool white cree xp-g3 / 6 blue 3-up cree xp-g / 6 royal blue 3-up cree xp-g - totaling in 18 3 watt leds
- 3 1000mA buckblock dimmable drivers

Assorted Dry Rock from BRS ( reefsaver / Pukani / Fiji ) - I want to try to keep the tank as sterile as possible, even if that means waiting longer for it to cycle.

Cleaning off the Silicone from the Biocube Rim- The tank still had a lot of Silicone along the edges that I wanted to clear away so that I get the nice clean look of the rimless.

Water Test- After scraping the glass of excess silicone, salt, and coraline had to make sure it would hold water, thankfully it does =D

Getting in the Dry Rock- We may have ordered a little too much....

Used Zip Ties to hold a few Chunks of the base together, let me know what you think of the aquascape!-


Tank is now filled with water + salt, ammonia is at 3, so the cycle has started! We supplemented with SuperBac and a few tetra flakes to help kick start the cycle. The canopy is only temporarily on while I work on making a fixture for the LEDs, and the Mp10 is MIA in my boyfriends tank... he knows this is only temporary until my tank cycles however.. lol

So far in the hobby I've been really drawn to zoas and palys as my favorite types of coral, so naturally I am going to make them the primary types in the tank. I also am thinking of throwing a few acans and chalices in there as it gets going. I plan on stocking very minimally with fish given it's size, but so far I have my pair of clowns ready and in QT, (female= extreme misbarred B&W ocellaris, male: Sustainable Aquatic Fancy Snow ocellaris. I love them :love3: I am debating about the other fish to add, something peaceful and small, like gobys or fire fish.

I would love to hear any of your thoughts or suggestions, thanks for looking!! More to come once the cycle keeps trucking on. :big_grin:
Looking good, how long has the tank been running now? Sounds like you have a plan going, gonna tag along, sounds like a fun build. good luck
I will miss that mp10 when your tank cycles :)

I do have a question, larock is trying to keep this tank as clean of pests as possible. To cycle this tank we used a few pieces of flake food, and added super bacteria in. This tank has been cycling for 1 week now, the ammonia is spiking right now, and after the cycle we plan on adding copepods to the tank, before any fish enter it. Now my question is, we used 100% dry rock/sand. Is there anything else we need to do other than what i have just explained? Or is cycling this tank without any lr/ls just a bad idea in general, ( other than it just will take longer), maybe due to biodiversity issues or something of that sort. Thanks for your advise in advance!

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well just got my tank also and all my bulbs and fans went out. what lighting kit do you have and how much was it? you tank looks great