MY salt water conversion.... the begining. 108 gal


New member
I was out of the game for while. But I can't stay away so I've begun to work out how I can make this happen on limited budget. It might take a while to get what I want, but... good things come to those who wait... and all those other corny one liners .

So right now I'm in the process of selling off my live stock and my none marine friendly gear. If I can sell my tank I will and get a reef ready. But chances are, I'll be using my current tank and stand.

I've never had a detailed thread of any builds. so this time... I'm going to try! So keep on me if you have not seen or heard any progress and no pics!

I have come to the realisation, to do this on a budget it will probably be nessesary to keep my current 6 foot hagen and to drill it.

The objectives of this build are:

1) Clean looking display tank
2) Low maintenance. (No Dosing)
3) Inexpensive start up costs
4) mostly softies and LPS with a few SPS

I'll talk more about how I plan to achive my goals and any help along the way would be welcomed

So without further blabing... here is the first shot....
my tank.... empty... whitch will be the state it should be in very soon!

Tank is the 108 gal Hagen, black trim, 6 months old.
Stand is a VERy strurdy home made with nice trim etc, all painted black to match. Need to finish the doors though!

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just so pre finished shots of the stand i found on my phone... For all you picture whores

By amacleod at 2012-06-14

all cleaned up before paint and trim


By amacleod at 2012-06-14

Tank filled with African cichlids as it sits rigth now...


By amacleod at 2012-06-14

I've sold off most of my fish already. I'm in talks with the guys from glass holes....

So. I'd like to decide on how I'm going to drill my tank. I'm thinking of going with this

Now here is my reasoning. I want to have it in one corner. Farthest away from viewing area, out of the light. and have the return on the opposite side of the tank.... should get good water flow and movement that way.
I have no intensions of running 3000 gph thru it, but from what I read, the larger capcity I have campable, when I throttle back the return to say 8-900 gph it can be MUCH quieter.

Is this the general consenses? and does this sound like a good idea?

For the return is one hole suficient? what size for that kind of flow?

ANyways i look forward to input and I'll keep posting pics of my progress.

SHould a standard 33 gal be a big enough sump. I'd like to do the 48/55 gal it it will fit under my stand.

Ife i get crazy, there is a storage room behind the wall I'm putting the tank on... i could drill a couple holes and put all my sump and pump and everything back there.... ha ha. NOt sure how long I'm going to be in this house, so I don;t think i want to chance it.