My Setup so far


New member
Ok here is what I got going so far. I did this all in low res so easier and faster loading. Tank on the far right (#4) is in the middle of being setup and takes turns with #3 for the light.
full room shot first:<br>
tank #1<br>
tank #2<br>
3&4 - #4 is an experiment in attaching the rocks to eggcrate and placing right up against the back and right side wall. hard to tell but there is also an island rockpile closer to the front.<br>
The sump/fuge<br>
Contains Live rock, Chaeto, Halimeda, ASM Mini Skimmer, 25w UV sterilyzer, power filter, heater. Phosban reactor is enroute and the MRC-CR1 calcium reactor is just waiting for the regulator to come in.<br>
and HOLY CRAP is that a computer setup in the middle of all that water??
:eek2: <br>
One well placed computer attached to the wall behind the LCD<br>
For all you fellow geeks that is the new Phenom 9500 - :) <br><br>
Lots more to setup but getting there slowly.
OK I see all the fantasy stuff and you have the nice processor so what games do you play on that puter?

World of Warcraft
Sid Meier's Railroads
Company of heroes


those are too cute!!! what size are they?
They are all 12 gallons each. the sump is a 20 high.
The clowns in tank 2 are kinda what got me back into this. Those guys are from my store and the man who bought them was having to get out of the hobby for a while and needed a home for them...that was the spark..hehe
I like the set up. How are they plumbed? Did you drill them? Thought I was the only one with a caseless computer around here.
I like the set up. How are they plumbed? Did you drill them?

I have not drilled them yet. I JUST got my drill bit in today and plan on doing tank #1 first to see how it goes. The only life I really have in that one is a couple movable rics and a CuC.

I have homemade overflows on all of them right now. several small floods later i think I have them set right now. took a lot of playing with heights and vents to get the siphon to stay and maintain.

Thought I was the only one with a caseless computer around here

I have another one at my store that is about to be submerged, power supply and all, in mineral oil and placed in a 3 gallon aquarium complete with bubbles. that should turn a few heads.

... no Oregon Trail? You are addicted to nanos!.the first step is admitting addiction
ahhh oregon trail..I remember that one well..hehe.
I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM! lol..sweet I need to check that site out..