My skimmer drinks my water X-post


New member
I have 2 big tanks I plummed together. 1. a 365 2. a 440, 3. sump is 2 X 300 gallon rubbermaid. I hooked up my old monster ( MRC MR-C4848 ) The evap rate is unreal. 2-3 gal of skim but adding 30-50 gal of water a day. Before this I was running it with out a skimmer I only had 10-12 gal evap. ( My test on something). Is there a way to reuse the evap water comming from the skimmer? OR will this add evaporated skim back. I am sure some skim has to be in that evap water collecting or being blown off.
I will cross post in big tanks too.