My unofficial Nano Build Off thread


Active member

Here is my thread. Post comments or not, or critiques or not. :)

I also wanted to put up how I did some stuff such cut these nearly perfect grooves without a router. And post some videos since the site doesnt have the capability to have video yet.


As you can see a router bit was used with a dremel tool. The dremel was mounted onto the table with some 1x2 and screws. I was thinking about putting this in my official thread but, Steve came up with it and I didnt want anyone to think it was my idea.

Video of grooves being cut.


Also a
video of my leak that I had from the first leak test.
I was looking at your post and saw the pulverized limestone as your substrate. From what I read someone who had that stuff looked at it under a microscope. He said there were lots of junk in it (probably why it was so dirty to rinse) and lots of what "looked like quartz (SiO2)". If there is a lot of silicate in that stuff you might run into a problem with diatoms that wont ever go away. Another post said you might want to run a big magnet over the stuff just to check and see if there is any iron in there. There wasn't any response to that comment so I don't know if there was any or not. But the problem is that you just don't know with something as impure as that stuff. That stuff is better suited to make rock (and even then I probably wouldn't use it) I'd check around and see if you can find something else to use or maybe go bare bottom and try growing the GSP's as "grass" right on the acryllic. There are alot of options out there. I would just hate to see your tank ruined to save a couple of bucks. Alex has his sand cost at $5, maybe he could share his source.

Thanks for the input. I was about to post why nobody can post to me but EVERYONE can post to Joey...;)

I have already started my cycle using this substrate since I was going to use all base rock so there wouldn't be another cycle. Although I may remove it and go barebottom with the GSP garden because I may have a little too much flow.

But the main reason I am using this is because it is what I had left over when I started my main display, to which I used 75 pounds.
You mentioned a problem with diatoms that never went away in your main tank. That substrate may be the problem. Diatoms love silicates. You might have a LFS check your silicate level. If it's really high, it's probably the silicate leaching from the substrate. Usually I would suggest switching to RO/DI water (because our tap water is loaded with silicate) and maybe using a phosphate/silicate remover like RowaPhos or Kent's Phosphate Sponge. That (along with some time) can get rid of diatoms but if your substrate is imbedded with it I don't think there is any other solution except to totally replace your sand bed.
That is cool how you used your dremel to mke your grooves. Dremels are neat little tools.

With the substrate thing, I think a lot of people think it is ok to use because they see that it is pulverized limestone. While lime stone makes good base rock, it is hard for anything to corrupt its make up. While the pulverized limestone is a crude mixture used for a wide variety of things with little to no manufacturing standards.

I would say get it out of your system. I am about to buy a bag of sand tomorrow or the next day, if you want you can stop by and I will give you some. I wont be using a whole bag on a 10 gal tank.:rollface:

Give me a call if you want to stop by. 463-0793
I have attributed my diatoms to a still new tank, and upgraded my bulbs from NO to VHO with built in reflectors. Since everytime I replaced a NO bulb I got a diatom bloom and after a while they receded a lot.

Thanks for the offer on the sand. But I think I will stick with what I have for a few reasons.

1. It's already there, and I don't want to recycle.
2. I don't think there will be problems in the future with it.:worried::D
3. The main reason although it is listed last: The tank has already completed the cycled, I just started it on Sunday evening. :eek1:

I will be making a new update tomorrow regarding my unexpected 'speed' cycle along with a few other things.

But again, thank you for the offer on the sand. :cool:
Okay people I have another update. Check it out, I need people to respond to my work.

Thanks for looking.

I will make another update tomorrow.