My Zoanthids collections


New member
Exhibiting my small collection.










Comments are welcome.

Picture taken with 2 x T5 HO 20K White and 1 x T5 NO 14K. The one in blue is just with T5 NO tube ON.
BradL. said:
Those look very healthy. Can you tell us a little about your parameters and salt brand etc.

Sad to say, I have very poor husbandry skill when it come to maintaining the water perimeter.

This is my current setup.

Pysical size of tank 4.5' x 1' x 2.5'
Space available 3.5' x 1' x 2.5'
No sump tank (just overflow system)

Equipment used
AquaC Remora Pro w/AquaBee 2000/1
AquaBee 3000 for chiller and return
1/2Hp Customed Chiller 28 to 30 degree Celcius or 82.4 to 86 degree Fahrenheit
Tunze 6060 (ON from 10am tp 7pm)
500g of Phosguard thru' Resun FR1000
1kg of AquaClay in overflow compartment
60kg of Grade 0 sand
Abt 20 to 30kg of LRs

Brand of Salt using

2 x 3' T5 HO 20k White and 1 x 3' T5 NO 14k blue

Lighting hrs
9am - 1 x T5 NO blue(ON)
10am - 2 x t5 HO white(ON) + 1 x T5 NO blue(ON)
7pm - 2 x t5 HO white(OFF) + 1 x T5 NO blue(ON)
11pm - All lights OFF

Food and dosage
Cyclop-eeze ~ almost everyday
Dry Phytoplankton ~ once a week
Golden pearl ~ once a week
Spirulina ~ once a week(Just started dosing yet to see it's effect)

Trace element using
Marc Weiss F.O.R.M ~ dose everyday.

Live Stock
1 Powder brown Acanthurus nigricans
1 Asfur angel Pomacanthus (Arusetta) asfur
1 Argi angel Centropyge argi
2 Flame angel paired Centropyge loricula
1 High fin blenny Petroscirtes mitratus
2 White tiger goby pairedPriolepis nocturna
1 Red headed fairy wrasse Cirrhilabrus solorensis
1 Flame Hawkfish Neocirrhitus armatus
2 Arrow glass shrimp
1 Marble shrimp
1 Pistol shrimp
1 Garden eel
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My Zoanthids culturing station


From the initial 1 to the current 12 in 1 month or so.

The other 2 orange skirt are new.
If they arent opening check them very well for nudis and eggs. I would definately do a dip to be on the safe side. Those are very pretty though.
snookcatcher said:
wow neo, your tank is awsome!!! i love your rockwork. how many gallons?

My calculation says 262litre or 69gallon only.

Thanks for the complement on the rockwork. It's done by a good friend of my during the major re-scaping in April'05.
Hang on refugium?

Hang on refugium?

I was looking at your tank pic and you had a little fish breeder floating on top. Is that an in-tank refugium? I have a similar set-up to breed some pods for my mandarin. I'm debating if I should take it out as my mandarin is already taking frozen foods. It becomes unanchored a lot.
Re: Hang on refugium?

Re: Hang on refugium?

totaltrev said:
I was looking at your tank pic and you had a little fish breeder floating on top. Is that an in-tank refugium? I have a similar set-up to breed some pods for my mandarin. I'm debating if I should take it out as my mandarin is already taking frozen foods. It becomes unanchored a lot.

Yes. The little fish breeder floating on top act as a pods infest stn and a culturing stn for my zoathids frags.

Yes, you could take out the fish breeder stn. But I don't feel a need to because I would still prefer my Starry Dragonet Synchiropus stellatus to feed occasionally on pods for extra nutrients. Also, I can leave for holidays in peace knowing that my LS have a constant supply of food. I feel only flakes food and cyclopeeze.