my zoas (seville,spain)


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en estas fotos de mi blog podeis ver mi pasion por los zoanthus llevo al menos 2 o 3 años manteniendolos y poco a poco ampliando mi coleccion.

este año incluso me he atrevido a montar un pequeño acuario en la exposicion de sevilla algunos zoos de mi coleccion con unos 35 tipos distintos aproximadamente...

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in these photos from my blog you can see my passion for at least zoanthus take 2 or 3 years and keeping them slowly expanding my collection.

This year I even dared to mount a small aquarium in Seville Exposition some zoos in my collection are about 35 different types about ...
Nice collection. My Spanish is good enough to stumble through your post, but I cannot reply with anything other than - me gusta, muy bueno.
There are some types of zoos that you have over there as raftas, purple hornet and other guys who do not see them around here too to say nothing.

gradually stores are entering interesting tidbits here but of course you have to be fast, lol

hay algunos tipos de zoos que teneis por alli como los raftas,purple hornet y otros tipos que por aqui no los vemos demasiado por no decir nada.

poco a poco en las tiendas de aqui van entrando cositas interesantes pero claro hay que ser rapido, jajaja
this posibble send some zoas a spain?
in one and two days ?
the problem of send is the time after two and tree days , dead...
photos ...zoas

I really like the zoa tank. You have some beautiful colonies in the pictures. Gives me an idea on something I should do for my classroom. Man, my girlfriend is going to be upset haha.
I can only tell you that the iodine baths my work and I highly appreciate zoos iodine and amino acids
also say that some of the photos zoos are something that I closed by heater broke down the day before and were a whole day to 18 degrees
estan muy bonitos tus corales. lastima que estas tan lejos sino puedieramos cambiar. creo que alla deve haber colores diferentes a los de aqui. yo trabajo en una tienda de corales y uffff, aveces llegan los zoas mas raros y hermosos
estan muy bonitos tus corales. lastima que estas tan lejos sino puedieramos cambiar. creo que alla deve haber colores diferentes a los de aqui. yo trabajo en una tienda de corales y uffff, aveces llegan los zoas mas raros y hermosos

ya me gustaria a mi poder cambiar...el problema es los dias en el transporte.
yo mas bien imagino que lo mas usual aqui es algo raro alli y viseversa.

and I wish I could change ... the problem is the days in transit.
I rather imagine that the most usual is something wrong here there and backwards.