Mysid shrimp


New member
I see them once in a while in my tank at night and I siphoned them into the chaeto in my fuge, but I never see them in my fuge. I don't think they are in my fuge cause I only see them a few days after I add corals or LR to the tank. I want to siphon them into my fuge again, but if they won't survive in my fuge then I am just going to leave them and my mandarin will be happy.

BTW, does anyone know where All Sea Life is?

I put a few in my refugium a few months back and now it is loaded with them. All sea life is on the south side of Pembroke Rd just west of 95. Just a warning. Put all fish you get thru quarantine...The first fish I ever got that had ich came from there....they told me it was just stress on the fish! I was a stupid newbie!!!
I wonder why I don't see them in my fuge. I see tons of them babies right now in my tank. I think I might try to siphon them out again and hope they will grow in the fuge. :)

Thanks Bret!
Gary what your are seeing up in your tank are not mysid shimps, most likely they are anphipods and copepods, this critters are very shy and are probably burowing in your sand or mud, you may need rock in your sump to start getting use to coming out
Well, actually, I don't know if they are mysid shrimp, but I don't think they are amphipods or copepods. They shape and look like a shrimp, they 'swim' in the water column, and when I shine the light on them they start to 'jump' in the water. I only have one pepermint shrimp so I know they are not his/her offsprings. I would try to take a pic but my camera suck. :(
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8034299#post8034299 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Gary what your are seeing up in your tank are not mysid shimps, most likely they are anphipods and copepods, this critters are very shy and are probably burowing in your sand or mud, you may need rock in your sump to start getting use to coming out

Rogger, why do you say this? Mysid shrimp are commonly found in tanks (and similar shrimp).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8034250#post8034250 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bret61081
All sea life is on the south side of Pembroke Rd just west of 95. Just a warning. Put all fish you get thru quarantine...The first fish I ever got that had ich came from there....they told me it was just stress on the fish! I was a stupid newbie!!!

Well that is better than the explanation I got.....I got two blue hippo tangs there that died within 24 hours. I was told that they died because my magnesium was low! I think I was an even stupider newbie!!!
All Sealife, I've found, loves to sell magnesium and bacteria. Anything goes wrong, they test your water, and the magnesium is low. I originally had them test my water, and they told me the refugium sucks out magnesium. Then 9 months later after hearing I went barebottom, they said make sure to dose magnesium, that depletes it. LOL!!! I hear them sell at least a bottle of bacteria every time I go there!

I have gotten some really neat inverts from them, but you have to know what you're looking for. John will show you some stuff, but if he's busy, you'll be on your own. I also love their nano sized stuff. Last time I was there (5-6 months ago) he had these tiny tiny tiny gobies, and a tiny angelfish, very colorful, but I couldn't ID it. Good store, but stay away from advice from them.
When I first started out, I bought a green brittle star because the store owner told me it was a great sand-sifter! 2 firefish and a goby went missing mysteriously, and I just couldn't figure out why my "sand-sifter" was always hanging out in the rocks!

Needless to say, I learned my lesson the hard way about researching any critters I'm interested in buying!
I think it's new addition, I will know in a few weeks. I can't seem to keep them in my fuge or they hide very good deep in my chaeto.