New member
Hey guys. Everyone's been doing quite well, until a week or so ago. I went to check on the 90g, when I noticed Big Eyes (my bullied firefish), had the top half of his "flicker" fin missing. I thought Freckles (firefish; bully) might have done it, but I doubt Big Eyes would've let him get that close to him.
A few days later, Dotty (Freckles' mate) had the "behind" part of the base of his flicker fin cut. Big Eyes definitely wouldn't have hurt her/him since the two like each other, and it's a really awkward area to have cut. And it was a very clean, straight cut. It completely healed and Dotty looks fine.
I found these injuries weird, but I didn't think too much of it. However, today, when I was looking at the tank, I saw that Freckles had a chunk missing from the lower half of his tail fin near the end.
Does anyone know what might be happening? Those three are the only fish in the tank. The rest of the critters are scarlet hermit crabs, a Halloween hermit crab, a tuxedo urchin, lettuce seaslugs, non-aggressive corals, a crocea clam, some snails (nassarius, astres, etc.), chitons, bristleworms, spaghetti worms, and those stupid white millipede things that bully my dendro.
The only new critters I've added recently is the urchin, lettuce seaslugs, astrea snails, a zoa, a balanophyllia, and the clam. I mean, I guess they could somehow be cutting themselves on something, but the positions of the injuries, and the precision of said injuries, makes it unlikely.
A few days later, Dotty (Freckles' mate) had the "behind" part of the base of his flicker fin cut. Big Eyes definitely wouldn't have hurt her/him since the two like each other, and it's a really awkward area to have cut. And it was a very clean, straight cut. It completely healed and Dotty looks fine.
I found these injuries weird, but I didn't think too much of it. However, today, when I was looking at the tank, I saw that Freckles had a chunk missing from the lower half of his tail fin near the end.
Does anyone know what might be happening? Those three are the only fish in the tank. The rest of the critters are scarlet hermit crabs, a Halloween hermit crab, a tuxedo urchin, lettuce seaslugs, non-aggressive corals, a crocea clam, some snails (nassarius, astres, etc.), chitons, bristleworms, spaghetti worms, and those stupid white millipede things that bully my dendro.
The only new critters I've added recently is the urchin, lettuce seaslugs, astrea snails, a zoa, a balanophyllia, and the clam. I mean, I guess they could somehow be cutting themselves on something, but the positions of the injuries, and the precision of said injuries, makes it unlikely.