mysterious tissue loss from base of my birdnest


New member
HELP. this has been a problem for about a month now. The base of my birdnests are STNing and I dont think its gonna stop. The only coral that seems to be affected is my birdnests.

The tissue is recessing from the base and its spreads. I pulled the birdnest out and examined it with a magnifying glass. I dont believe i see any AEFW. Sometime suspicious is almost a thin black"vine" that runs on the skeleton and white "whiskers" in a few places. I dont know if thats anything to worry about. I'll try to get the camera out

I dont think its a water parameter issue because only the birdnests are suffering.... any pests that particularly like to target birdnests?

At first I thought it might be a natural thing, tissue recessing in places where there where no light/flow, but its recessing too fast to be natural.
alrite, no responses yet, but i did get a couple of pictures. Sry my camera isn't that great its a canon powershot SD550. If anyone knows the best settings, let me know.

The victom:



I'll give it a shot. To me it does look like its dieing due to it being the bottom part of the coral. Possibly more flow will help. Sometimes they just die faster than you might think. I do not have any birdsnest so I am no expert. Hope this gets some others to reply. :) I know how frustrating that is.
Thanks alot. Other RC member told me the same, which is good to get a second opinion.

Anyone else have an opinion?
same here need more flow, but also it looks like po4 is leaking into the birdnest hence the green color on the parts that are dead. Come from the rocks leaching p04
I have the same problem too. I am sure that as the colony grows it is hard to get enough flow to the base of the colony and thus the die off in that area.