N. wennerae - a species specific general discussion


New member
N. wennerae

I recently acquired what I believe to be a N. wennerae. From what I understand it is one of the more desireable aquarium species. I don't know many specifics about it yet due to its reclusiveness thus far. I hope it becomes a little less shy. For sanity sake, I'll call it a "him". Right now he is in a 10 gal where I'm trying to remove him from the hole in a piece of LR its living in. I'm hoping he will move out of this hole so that I can remove this piece of LR. My final plan is to house it in a 12gal nano cube that I've purchased specifically for this mantis. With that said and as all reefers do, I'd like to expand the tanks inhabitants. What types of creatures can I safely keep with this species? Any fish at all?

This is just a start, I hope this thread becomes a popular one and people keep sharing information about thier specific N. wennerae.

First I would like to say that if you are going to give him his own tank anyway let him move in with his home. Your going to need rock in the nano anyway, and he has already put so much effort into design and furnishing...

With my N.wenn, I keep:
Pair of Yellow Tail Chromis
Blue Saphire Damsel
Pajama Cardinal (moved to main reef tank)
Thorny Oysture
Dwarf Carpet anemone
Pencle Urchin (that was supposed to be food but has since reproduced)
Sun Polyps
LARGE Turbo snails
Peppermint Shrimp (they were gotten to battle Aptasia and for food but it was a lion who polished off 3 - 4, and the last one simply died after 8 months)

Yellow Watchman Gobie (was small so a large gobie may fair better)
Agreed that if he's already modified a piece of LR let him keep it.

My n wennerae is in a species specific tank. Don't think you need or want anything larger than 5.5 gallons as there are very few roommates you can have with a mantis. Mine finally even took out a large turbo snail. Long term most fish or crustaceans small enough for even a 12 gallon will be lunch.

Corals are fine with a mantis. However make sure they're mounted to large enough pieces of rock or your mantis may rearrange them where you don't want them.
My only problem is that the guy I got him from would like to have this piece of LR back. :p He couldn't get him out, so he just let me "borrow" the piece of rock until I could get him out. So far, I'm not having much luck.

So, a Tomato clown would be out of the question to keep with a 1.5" or so N. wennerae? If thats the suggestion and case, thats fine.

Try taking the piece of live rock out over the tank and spraying some freshwater into his den. He'll pop out and drop back into your tank, leaving your rock mantis-free. Some people use seltzer water, but I'm not a big fan of the fizzing.
If he doesn't come out, will fresh water hurt him?

I suppose you are talking about using RODI water that is about the same temperature as his tank water? What about PH and other things?
Hi guys,
I am new to reef central. Wanted to do a predator tank. Got a 55 gallon glass tank. Housing a mantis shrimp some squilla species from south china sea. He is in with a snowflake eel and a green serpent star. Tried to add a batfish, fumanchu lion, and a volital lion. The batfish and lions died with in 3 days from shipping. Not sure if the mantis took him out or just a bad batch. I think he is a smasher. Do you guys know what might be safe with him. Supplier could only give general species. He is more of an all yellow looking beast.
Thanks for any help.
I wouldn't anticipate that the Eel will be a hospitible house mate, as they are crustation eaters....
Gee Thurge, was so focused on what the mantis would eat, that I never thought about what would eat the mantis. Any other ideas about house mates for the mantis?