Name that tune


Active member
Can someone put a name to this piece? I got it when it was bright green, it is now orange and turning purple (much like the "brown" digitata in the foreground) under my new lights...


I wouldn't normally buy anything without researching it thoroughly first, but we all have our moments of weakness.

Purple Lokani. I used to have the same piece :). I will turn into this


Don't ask me if i photoshop the pic. I am terrible with computer FYI
Mine is under a couple of T5's and a 400W 10K par monster on a light rail. It gets low light, medium light, HIGH LIGHT, medium light, low light, so I'm not even sure how to describe it. It has definitely purpled up since the 400W was put in though (previous lighting was 8 T5's). Two stream 6100's and 2 stream 6055's would probably be described as strong flow.

Hello Dave, i used to run light rail. I know what ya talking about. You should be fine. Just give it sometime to color up. Mine take approx 2 months to get fully color.

Tip: If you can, mount it side way so the corals can color up evenly throughout the colony. I cut mine off the base for two reason.

1. I want to avoid critters

2. So i can mount it flat. The coral will grow in table patern.
OK - what the hell? This is a 180 gallon tank, I don't have that many hermits, and I see no obvious tissue damage or necrosis. So what the hell? These are all hermits that came in from ipsf a few days ago too - mine look slightly different. It looks like they are plotting some kind of coup.


As long as they don't do any damage to the coral, you shouldn't be worry about it. They must sense something fishie... hehehehehehe
I think they like it too. They do that sometimes with new tall corals. Makes them feel ontop of the world. Id just keep taking them off and eventually they will leave it alone.