Nano Contest Request


New member
Hey All,

Gregrunningbird and I are entering a tank in the nano contest and wanted to present something that would show newcomers some of the benefits of joining NMOK. We are setting up a simple 10 gallon tank with CF lighting. In order to show the benefits of joining NMOK, we wanted the entire tank to be populated by frags/donations from other NMOK members.

So if anyone has any frags or donations they would be willing to provide, it would be greatly appreciated. We will give credit for all pieces donated by listing the names of all donors and the pieces donated. If you want the pieces back after the contest, we will be happy to return. I will be at the meeting this Friday, or I can certainly come and pick up pieces at your convenience. You can send me a PM if you have any questions or suggestions.

We just want to entice new members to NMOK by showing some of the benefits of joining. I don't know that we will win any awards, but we hope to have a nice tank when it is all said and done.

Thanks for the help and I will see everyone on Friday at Israel's house.

I have some GSP that you can have for your tank green and pink singularia as well. Also since I changed bulbs from a NO overdriven to a standard VHO bulb I have plenty of diatom algae you could have.:lol:
Some GSP would be great. The one you gave me last month is doing well.

Diatom algae. For free!?!?! Now there is an offer I can't refuse.
I tore off a large chunk from what I have in my tank about a week after the last meeting for Greg and it has almost completely recovered that is why I am offering it up.

Also the diatoms will be free, I dont think I would take anything for them.
I have some green singularia I need to trim way down. If you want you can have some, I wouldn't be opposed to taking something in trade for it either.


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