Nano for sale... great price, like new!


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member
Hey all! Took awhile to repost, the buyer fell through.

I've got a 12 gallon nano DX, with all the trimmings, no scratches. Everything works great, of course has the pump, fan in the canopy, and I even upgraded the lighting for you. It comes with 2 x 24w power compacts, and I added 2 x 18w power compacts. It also has moonlights! It comes with a black stand with a cabinet, the one made for this nano, with 2 supports up front that look like polished stainless steel. I have about a 3-4 lb bag of sand I'll throw in, and while you are here if there's anything fraggable that you'd like, I'll include a frag. I need this tank gone, $100! Please drop me a pm with your phone number if you'd like to come see it this weekend. Cool thing about this tank is I used to do water changes every 2 weeks, and I had to top it off once between the water changes. Rarely have to top off the tank!!! Who'da thunk it? Anyway, great tank at an even better price.

You got it... Ding, I don't think I got that message... send me another one, if you're still interested.
No pms yet, if I don't see anything by around 2 pm, I'll offer it up to Rogger. I'd really like it gone this weekend, going to be remodeling the living room (and rest of the house) starting next week, need the space. Insurance finally paid up, and now I can get my ceilings replaced!!! And some of my walls, my attic insulation, my A/C ductwork, my flat roof, and might even have a little left over for the work I did myself!!!
Yup, Wilma... she kicked my butt worse than Fred. It destroyed about 30' of chainlink fence, My 60' Australian Pine, a couple of other treasured trees, a row of snow queen hibiscus, an old growth duranta "tree", very rare, 15 panels of screen on my pool enclosure, My roof, and while waiting for the roofers to "finish" the job, it rained in a real nasty way and destroyed my insulation, ceilings, and some walls. Now, to get the ceilings redone, I'm going to have to move the 65 gallon. Then, once the ceilings are redone, I'll have the walls redone and retextured, and painted, then move the 65 gallon back, hopefully with an upgrade or two. I'm going to be getting out of SPS for the most part, except a digitata or two, and a capricornis.
Hey I want this thing. I sent you PM a week ago.. you still got it? please contact me!! I need this for my office!! office reef...yes!
Got the pm, all the other buyers backed out... Rogger's next, pretty confident. It's yours if he doesn't take it.