NASA: Discovery Night Launch Tonight


In Memoriam
Tonight @ 9.36PM EST (21:36 EST) Space Shuttle Discovery will launch for the first Night Launch since the 2003 Columbia accident.

Keep up with the news ... it may be delayed .. but may not - should be a great sight if we have clear/semi clear skies tonight ..... <knocking on wood> .. Lindsey, one of her friends from Austria, and myself are driving up .... should be leaving my office around 3PM - 3:15PM ...

Go Discovery! God Speed!

P.S.: to anybody here that hasn't been to a shuttle launch - you really should go one time @ least. The sound, the ground vibration, the vibration of the air around you ... its an exciting show, experience ..... !

oppss ... leaving now.
well ... it didn't launch, but it was still an awesome sight.

we ended up parking @ the Astronaut Hall of Fame, and walking to the banks of the river & standing there - the Pad & shuttle were lit up with umpteen thousand/million watts of light - to the point where the sky was light up allll around it.

I believe there were more people near the KSC comples viewing the launch than there were for the STS-115 - Return To Flight mission last year. It took us about 2 hours to move ~10 miles to leave the area, and almost 3 hours to make it to the first toll (far east) booth on 528/I-4 .. made it home by 4.30AM - enought time for lindsey to jump in the shower & go to work.
8.47 PM EST (20:47 EST) tonight.

Lindsey & I are going up again ... picking up some goodies on the way as well ... Spaghetti Finger Leather & some LR.
got back around 1am.

it was a BEAUTIFUL night, and an amazing launch! picked up the spaghetti finger leather on the way.