Naso Tang

JCR's Reef

New member
I have aquired a Naso (lipstick) Tang that I would like to find a new home for. I feel he needs a bigger tank (180+ gallons). He came with the tank I purchased and I didnt want to take him to the petstore to have someone buy him and throw him in a 75g. or something. The person before me had him for 2+ years, and I have had him for around a month.

He is an awsome fish, hand feeds, very healthy and active, alot of personality, and around 8". I feed him clumps (caulpera, cheato, red)algaes from the refugium everyday along with algae sheets and spectrum pellet food. He is a healthy eater.
He has a scar above his left eye (looks kinda like an eyebrow) that I was told was left from a cow fish(before I had gotten him). This in no way affects him in anyway.

I do feel he needs a bigger tank just for the swimming room, so if you know of somebody who has a big tank and can provide for this fish, let me know. I can let go for a very small fee so I know he is taken care of, or trade for something of value. Retail value of fish this size is $125-150.
If I cant find someone, I will be more than happy to keep him in his home. He is a happy fish, just wish he had a little more swimming room.
No, I'm not giving him away. Then everybody would say they could provide for him just because he is free. Even a bigger tank isnt going to do him better if he is not feed properly, or if its not maintained religiously for good water quality. When you involve a little bit of money, people make sure there investment is a little better taken care of. If its free they say ohwell, I didnt pay for him. That wont benefit him. I dont have the heart to do that without knowing.
Here he is very well taken care of. He is the only big fish in my 110 gallon. The next biggest fish is an algae blennie. So he has the run of the tank.
They are a sweet fish...if I had a huge tank I would go for it...but I don't and haven't been in this long enough to give it proper care.
I agree for the most part on what you are saying though just because someone pays for something doesn't mean that they are going to take care of it......and like wise someone who is given something will sometime care better than someone who pays .....depends on the person. I would just hold out until you have the optimal receiver for this fish......Usually the lfs will know of someone who has a large tank that would take it.....then you can contact them directly....There was someone at the last meeting who is building a 240g and this fish would be perfect for him.....he has quite a bit of experience with reefs also.
Josh this is the same guy as is asking about sumps in an earlier his name I believe
You hit the nail on the head LornaS. Trust me. My 3 year old daughter calls it her fish so it's become a part of the family. But I will hold out until the "right" person comes along.
Yes I posted in his forum. Is he building yet? or just getting started? I was going to talk to the guy that runs Sea Dwellers because all he pretty much does is maintain tanks. But then if he maintains them for other people, how well are they really maintained, and fed?
If you talk to sea dwellers talk to Joel, I know him pretty well and he is a really good guy. He would best know of a home for him and who would take care of him the best up in that area of the state. Tanks that are maintained by him might not have the best owner care, that may be true, but he probably knows of some reef nuts with a large tank that know how to care for things. I know of one guy somewhat personally that has several large tanks, Joel knows him too, but... I never personally saw how well he took care of his tanks so I can't really say if he would be a good owner or not.

You're doing a great job in "qualifying" a new home for this Naso. Keep up the good work. When I was in Fort Wayne I would have definately been tempted also when I was in Indy too. I have been running a 220 for a number of years now and finally decided it wasn't big enough for one.
You might try INDMAS's club. There might be someone there who doesn't read this, or realize that is active again. Castor knows some of the people down there, although it's been awhile since I've talked to him.
Good luck finding a new home.
Actually I was going to mention, though I haven't posted on the INDMAS site for a while, I should still have an account, and several of the main members know me. I could post to see if somebody down there is interested, maybe just give a link to this thread, I'm pretty sure most are RC members.
Instead of going to Angola to see Joel, there is a sea dwellers here in Ft. Wayne.

Jim is the owner, he had the store in angola and sold it to Joel. Jim is a super nice guy who takes excellent care of ALL livestock in his tanks.

He also has some tanks that he maintains for individuals, that are pretty good size. He could find a nice home for you.

Give him a try!! He is located on Dupont Rd. There are some storage units on dupont, right next to them is a strip of stores, he is in there.

If going down dupont toward tonkel rd turn right into Dupont estates, then the 1st left he is down there on the end. Nice, clean store and tanks!!! Just an idea.

Thanks krdill, castor and fuzz.
Sea Dwellers crossed my mine like I stated previously. I stopped in there a couple of months ago and talked to Jim about purchasing a tank there. Then I came across mine for a couple of hundred bucks. So I went with the one I have now. I'll give him a shot sometime, but I figured someone on here would know of someone personally.
I was wondering if someone could post a link for this thread in the trade forum so maybe I can get more visibility. RC wont allow me too since I dont have enough post or long enough membership.
What do you want for it? I have a 240 and was going to order one with the Duessmier tang I ordered.

Would you be able to meet me half way... say in like Plymouth?
Stopped into Sea Dwellers and talked to Jim and he said he doesn't know anybody off hand who is wanting one but will keep me in mind. I've had a few inquires about him but nothing set in stone. Just keep and ear out for me and let someone know who has a bigger tank than I do. Thanks