NC - Raleigh Area Reef Enthusiasts Next Meeting 1/28/06 at 1pm


New member
Here are the details:

SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT! Gil Van Dkykuizen, formerly with the Monterey Bay Aquarium is giving the next talk! He is planning a multimedia presentation and the topic of discussion is:

Captive Husbandry of Deep Sea Animals at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Here are the details:

When: 1/28/06 at 1pm

Where: NCSU Vet School Auditorium

Speaker: Gil Van Dkykuizen

Topic: Captive Husbandry of Deep Sea Animals at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Tank Tour: Reef Tank At Vet School will be talked about

Details: Frag swap at 2:00pm, Please post what you have to trade on the email list so you can get others to trade with you in advance!

Hope this helps,
Chad D. Bryant
Just a reminder that there is a R.A.R.E. meeting tomorrow at 1pm. Here are the details:

Raleigh Area Reef Enthusiasts (RARE) is having their quarterly meeting!

SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT! Gil Van Dkykuizen, formerly with the Monterey Bay
Aquarium is giving the seminar! He is planning a multimedia presentation:

Captive Husbandry of Deep Sea Animals at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Here are the details:

When: 1/28/06 at 1pm

Where: NCSU Vet School Theater
(Main entrance of the vet school - by the big flag, up the brick
walkway; when you enter the building, there are stairs going down to a
set of double doors, pass through those. The next set of doors will be
propped or we'll have someone there to let you in, talk will be on
that bottom floor.)

Speaker: Gil Van Dkykuizen

Topic: Captive Husbandry of Deep Sea Animals at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Tank Tour: Reef Tank At Vet School will be talked about

Details: Frag swap at 2:00pm, Please post what you have to trade on
RARE (via yahoo groups) email list so you can get others to trade with
you in advance!

Hope to see you all there,
Chad D. Bryant