Nebraska Aquatic Supply Party


New member
Just wanted to let my friends in KC know there is a great line up of speakers coming to Nebraska Aquatic Supplies one-year anniversary bash. Its free and the store will be stocked to the brim. Check out our FB page for hotel specials for our out of town guests/

August 25, 2012:
11:00 Open
11-30-1:30 Food will be available
12:00 Scott Fellman "œAquascaping for the Aesthetically Challenged"
1:30 Tony Vargas "œWrasses"
3:00 Jake Adams "œLED, practical knowledge and applications"
4:30 Sanjay Joshi "œAquarium Lighting"
6:00 Close
All of the speakers will available during the day for you to meet and talk to.
August 26, 2012
11:00 Open
1:00 Mitch Carl "œAquarium Pests"
2:30-3:00 "œQ&A with the experts"
6:00 Close
We will be running many specials and will have a bunch of give aways both days and you will not need to be present to win raffle items