Need advice on softies in my 280


I have a 280 thats been going for about a year and a half now. Everything is thriving and that is part of my problem. Most of my rock was transfered from my previous 130 and I had several rocks with mushrooms.

I am trying to transition to more SPS and the mushrooms are taking over my tank.

Is there anyway to control them without exchanging all of my rock for new?

Thanks for the advice.
+1 to what he said. As long as you remove the mushrooms from the rock and destroy whatever foot remains preventing regeneration, your problem will be well on its way out.
Kalk paste is a good start, but I have actually taken the rock out of the water 1 by 1, let them sit in the Arizona for a couple of days and they still came back....
I tried that with a mushroom rock.. They would only give me a percentage of what they sold live rock for (even though mine had 40 mushrooms on it)....

It was going to cost me 10 bucks to exchange my mushroom rock for a clean one of similar wieght... I took it and let it dry out...put it back in the tank. The tank was established enough that it didnt even see a cycle.
I'll have to see what they will do. My problem is of my 200 plus pounds of rock, I don't have a single one without mushrooms on them.
Take rock out, place on cutting board (we have a few 18" square ones dedicated to tank use), grab a hammer and a small chisel or screwdriver, and go to it. You should be able to chip off most of the mushrooms, just put the chisel right below the foot, on the rock.

If that is too much work or not feasible, the LFS swap is probably your best bet.