Need advice!


New member
I'm new to the saltwater stuff! I'm going to set up a 100gal frag tank. do you think I should put sand on the bottom or keep it bare bottom. I'm only doing zoantids in this tank.
Frag tanks should be bare bottom IMO. Why however would you need a 100g frag tank when you're starting out new with a 20g display?
I have a 100 gal that is perfect for a frag it is a old odell tank. its only 16 inches tall. I have no use for the tank and it's been sitting for years. So with me just starting out (have family who has salt to help as well) I just figure I make a frag tank, since I won't do any breeding. I do that with all my FW tanks.
beside I will be giving away all my frags or trading. I have a good friend who has a shop so I will be giving him most of the stuff. To me it's having fun.

So most people say bare bottom. thanks to everyone who pm me about it and thanks to the peeps that reply.
If I was fragging zoanthids, I'd have a smaller tank with crushed coral or crushed sea shells. Then I would hack up the zoanthids and let them settle to the bottom, attach and grow. Then after a while go back and superglue the newly attached frag, glueing rubble to rock.
That's a rediculous frag tank - I'm jealous. I'd go bare-bottom with half of it covered in egg crate raised to 6 inches. Other half I'd use to seed colonies. Not sure what kind of lighting you're running.

If I had a family member with good keeping habits and a 100g frag tank, we'd be great friends.

What size is your display tank?

Just curious.
cool nice idea and did not think about that, lighting I have not gotten to yet,
have have all kinds of sources for lights so not really worried about that.
I will be geeting a 60 gal sump for this tank as soon as I can pick it up from a friend.
I just started my tank I have now is a 20 long and I bought some stuff and it has out grown the tank, so I been cutting pieces and giving them away. which I intend to too with this frag tank. I too into my freshwater tanks that salt is going to be a hobby.

so make sure you look me up and if I have anything down the road I will send it to you as long as you just pay for shipping.
I would avoid egg crate at all costs. It's notoriously bad for growing algae, primarily because most inverts can't navigate it. Acrylic shelves are much better.