Need advise on return on 300g...


New member
More input needed on 300g return set-up!!!!
Have gotten so good input on returns but still have questions.....

If I run a "loop" around top of tank of 1.5" PVC should I use 1" or 3/4" off them for the actual returns? How many? I was thinking 6 or 8...Will this be too many so flow wont be high enough?

The return pump is Sequence that puts out 5800gph...It is being shared with a 125g.

As stated in first thread the 125g has an addtional closed loop for flow and the 300g will have a Tunze wave maker.

I was given the advise to get the return lines down into the tank...and I am trying to do this. But the questions above are still valid....

Will be leaving for Reno on Thursday so you can see I dont have lots time left....

Might have to "temp rig" till I get back...

Those that have big tanks could use your advise!!!

Jim Mc
What are you other returns for the tank? But if you have a couple of returns out of the overflows, then I would say run no bigger 3/4" with 5-7 tees on each side. Then cap each tee off and drill a 3-6 1/8" holes in it depending on where it points and on what. This way it will give you more flexiblility of adjusting flow. I just did the same thing with 210 and works great.