Need an ID on Fiji rock polyps


New member
I bought some Fiji rock from a local pet store. It has 20+ polyps of some sort. The polyps have a mouth like ricordea, but they just don't have the overall look of ricordea. Maybe they're just real young. The stalks are bright green and the oral disc is purplish. They range in size from 1/8" to 3/4". They eat brine shimp. Well, the picture says most of it. Any ideas?


I have them in an 8" deep tank 3" from a 6500K NO and 03 NO fluorescent. Is this enough light? I have other NO lights on the tank, but this piece is sitting directly under a shop light that is resting across the top of the tank. Is this enough light? Any recommendation?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks for the ID. The rock cost $10, and if they're ricordea, it was well worth it, even if it's gonna take some time to grow them out.

The lack of pseudotentacles near the mouth indicates that they are certainly not Ricordea sp..

If I had to guess, I would say it is a type of anemone and most likely a nuisance species such as Majano spp..
A copperbanded butterfly or pearlscale butterfly are common, more reef-friendly choices.

You can also invest in some Joe's Juice or mix a concentrated solution of water + kalkwasser and inject it into them with a syringe.

Good luck, Picasso :thumbsup: