need answers i am haunted by my mystery


New member
ok after the opening line here is my question my tank has been up and cycled for a couple months i had a pair of true percs a mystery wrasse and a midas blennie in the tank for a month or so all eating well no signs of distress from one day to another all fish died with the exception of the mysterry wrasse the day after i tested all was well ph 8.2 nitrite and ammonia 0 nitrate 0 salinity 1.024 i have sps in the tank none being affected the only culprit i see is i had a cup off brine shrimp sit out overnight i get home and my wife fed it to the fish (i have to blame the wife) it sat out not refrigerated for 24 hours if the brine was spoiled would itkill my fish.
Well, if all the other conditions of the tank were good, then yes...I'd blame the food. I'm sorry to say but it's a very good possibility. Imagine leaving some sushi out for 24 hours and thinking, "it's OK, it's probably still fine..."

Thing might be, and it might not be. Chances are it wasn't. As for why your Mystery didn't get sick....possibly he didn't eat as much, or possibly he has a stronger constitution. I know my Mystery doesn't usually get a lot of food per Midas blenny is a pig, and I'm sure your clowns are food freaks as well. Either way, I'm sorry for your loss.
You mean like 1 measuring cup? That was out at about 70 degrees for 8+ hours?

I would expect that could cause one heck of an ammonia spike when it entered the tank. I suppose it might be possible that your tank processed the ammonia by the time you tested.
Well, if all the other conditions of the tank were good, then yes...I'd blame the food. I'm sorry to say but it's a very good possibility. Imagine leaving some sushi out for 24 hours and thinking, "it's OK, it's probably still fine..."

Thing might be, and it might not be. Chances are it wasn't. As for why your Mystery didn't get sick....possibly he didn't eat as much, or possibly he has a stronger constitution. I know my Mystery doesn't usually get a lot of food per Midas blenny is a pig, and I'm sure your clowns are food freaks as well. Either way, I'm sorry for your loss.

:bounce2: ++ 1
2 inches no bite marks

I'm not saying your Mystery did them in. But in my experience like 4 and 6 line wrasse, they can be extremely mean fish. They will "kill" other fish by bullying them, or not allowing them to eat, or chase them around until they stay away or hidden.
I'm not saying your Mystery did them in. But in my experience like 4 and 6 line wrasse, they can be extremely mean fish. They will "kill" other fish by bullying them, or not allowing them to eat, or chase them around until they stay away or hidden.

it was a thought but i have never seen it chase another fish i even stayed late watching the tank and it just swims around then hides