Need Chaeto


Black thumb reefer
Premium Member
Anyone near Harrisburg have some Chaeto they'd part with. I've been doing massive water changes, and I think I went a little crazy - both my chaeto and caulerpa disappeared. No algae in the tank either, so I'd like to get the macro going again before I see any.
I can give you buckets of them too... I dump about one or two buckets out every two weeks.
Thanks, I'll keep you guys in mind if no one local pops up. I may be heading to State College on Memorial Day weekend.
If you bring it by after work, I'll get your cover and buy you a beer. You can catch most of our last set - I won't be leaving until 2-2:30. I can picture the York police now as you hand me a baggie of green stuff in the parking lot. :)

If not, I can probably swing down Monday.