Need help on how to transport macro algae.


New member
how do i mail cheato algae?........i'm looking to sell some from my tank, its growing like weed in there. how do i transport it? will the post office have all the things i'd need to move it?.. or where do i go?
Hey WorldNation,

Now that it is reasonably warm I would think you could put it in a plastic bag with just a tiny bit of water and put that in a box and ship it via UPS 2-day shipping.

Put it into a zip lock with a paper towel that is wet from your tank. Put that into another zip lock. Put all that into a priority mail envelope and mail it at the post office. Costs about $5.
reefmarker's suggestions sound good. Chaetomorpha is a really tough macroalgae, so it should withstand priority mail shipping without any problem.
I have heard that ziplock bags are designed to purge out oxygen. Has anyone else heard this?
