Need help setting up my 150 Will Pay


New member
Hey guys i really need some help in setting up my 150
I have all the equipment i just dont want to make a mistake
I am willing to pay
please pm me back
thank you
(I live in Ft. Lauderdale Florida)
If you're interested in some free help and advice, tell us what you're putting in your tank, what you've got, what you're looking to buy, and we'll save you a boatload of money and time, and get you started off on the right foot :)
OK thanks.....
I have a perfecto 150 gallon 48 inch x 24 inch
IT has a corner back flow
I have a mega flow 4
12x uv steralizer
1/2 hp chiller
250 gallon + skimmer
Mag drive 12
2x 250 watt 15k metal halides
Its gonna be mainlt a softey tank with very few sps and a large gigas clamb
I have 100lbs of live sand
and 200lbs + of live rock im getting from a guy whose breaking down his tank that is bright pink and purple with zoos mushroom and green starpolyps and monti etc.,.....
Im willing to help if you know when... Im going to be a little hectic the next couple of weeks so I need to know when, & I'd love to help, No chrge!!
Okay, that sounds good so far. Any questions about your setup in particular?

I've got a question; who makes the skimmer, what is the name of it, and what pump is driving it? That will help, since there is some.... embellishment in the hobby companies about the rating for their skimmers.
I live in cooper city,

right next door to Ft. lauderdale so if you need help shoot me a pm. This weekend I should have a few free hours.

That's a very good idea :)

Come to think of it, I can't think of what skimmer Corallife makes... Maybe some of the Octopus variants, because I believe that they're the distributor for it. I dunno. I do suggest an upgrade, because you can't have too big a skimmer.

You might want to check out one of the Octopus Extreme skimmers that just came out which are essentially clones of the Bubble Masters, or if you've got some dough to spend, the new KZ skimmers are ridiculous. Other ones to check out are the Reeflo Orca 250, any Deltec that is recirculating, H&S, or Euro-Reef. They'll all be in the $500< range though. I think best bang for buck for new would be the Reeflo, but there's more opinions on this board than there are.... something that there is a lot of :p