Need help what is this?


Rimless Reef
Don't know if this is good or bad but I kinda think it is bad lol

Is it aiptasia? Looks like it but cant see the picture real good. If it is mix a really heavy dose of kalk/water and dose it good with a turkey baster.

Jay has that "zapper" thing too
hard to tell from pic. Could identify with clear pic. Could even be feather duster, paly, or mojano
Looks like it has a skeleton. Maybe a fungia baby or euphyllia baby. Hard to tell but I don't think it is aiptasia or majano.
Looks like a Pseudocorynactis spp. of some sort, most likely a Pseudocorynactis caribbeorum. Some people see them as pests similar to majanos. I've had two that appeared on live rock out of seemingly nowhere after over a year. They have sticky tentacles with nematocysts, so they pose a risk to corals and other sessile inverts. The ones I had didn't bother anything, but they were very small and lived in a hole on the rock. They typically extend their tentacles to feed, and when fed if I remember correctly they can grow quite large.
I agree with Richard, it looks calcified, so I wouldn't expect it to spread quickly like an infestation of aiptasia. I'd let it grow and see. If it turns out it's too much of a pest there's always a shot of Mrs. Wages to do the trick.
+1 on Pseudocorynactis sp. Used to find them all the time, but haven't noticed any in a while. Similar to a solitary sun polyp or Dendro (only, no color).