Need help with avatar


New member
Seems like I can only have an avatar that is 150 x 150. How do you get a slightly larger picture?
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Not sure what you're asking-- do you mean, "can I have a slightly larger than 150x150 avatar?" Or do you need help resizing your photo down to 150x150? Or?
I can resize the picture on photobucket to 100 x 75, transfer it to another folder on my desktop and get it as an avatar. That to me is to small. The next size up is a thumbnail, 160 x 120. That's the size I want but I'm told it's too big. Seems like some of the pictures I've seen here are that size, if not a little bigger. The size I want is similiar to the avatar you have only the height is about an inch shorter.
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I can post an avatar that is 100 x 75, but that's it. No 150 x 150. Do I just post the avatar/picture I want and you can resize that? Not sure how it works.

Thank you for the help.
You can email me the photo and I'll resize it for you. I think you may not be aware though that if the picture is vertical format (taller than it is wide, as opposed to horizontal which is longer than it is tall) it won't be 150x150. It can only be 150 pixels long on the longest side. So if it's a regular aspect ratio of 4x3 it will end up something like 150x112. Most point and shoot cameras put out 4x3 images and most dslr's put out 3x2 (which would end up 150x100). You can change the aspect ratio to make the picture square [150x150] but it will look a little squashed. Or you can crop the picture to square. Once you've done any of these tasks in Photoshop a few times it's very quick and easy.