need help


New member
ok I have the aqua controller jr and for some reason I cant seem to get my chiller to work right with it as far as the programing goes I programed it to come on it the temp is to high and it turns on but the minute I add another state to the programing for the chiller to shut off if the temp is to low it just turns off. right now I need it to cool the tank cause its hot so I dont know what to do If I could pay someone who is familiar with this particular controller to come by and help me program it I would really appreciate it. also it seems that when everything is running at the same time as far as chiller heater and lights it causes my breaker to trip and everything gets shut off I have the expansion outlets that are for the heater and cooler but I dont know whats going on pleas somebody help I tend to learn better hands on so like I said I'll pay for the time if someone can help me just give me a call 9014974609
When u say outlet program what exactly do you mean I don't really understand the question
If u could give me a call that would be great my name is tristan
I don't know much if anything about the controller but if the breaker is tripping on the main panel of the house that means its overloaded and honestly not safe. I might have misunderstood your post but if it is tripping the main breaker you might have to run some cords and get power from another outlet on a seperate breaker. Or hire an electrician to upgrade the breaker and feed to that plug.

It is a dangerous situation and can cause fires on overloaded breakers. I had a friend that died in a fire due to an overloaded circuit that burned the place down. The breaker didn't trip and the wire in the wall caught fire..

Again sorry if I misunderstood your post. Just wanted to throw that out there. Hope you get your issues resolved.
Oh I see I got u I thought about that too I just put the controller on the internal settings so I'm going to see if that makes a difference
When u say outlet program what exactly do you mean I don't really understand the question
If u could give me a call that would be great my name is tristan

Sorry I am just now getting back to this thread. I am going to make this post with a couple assumptions. If they are not correct or they do not apply let me know.

1. I assume that you are able to login to your Apex and navigate around.
2. I assume that your chiller does not have an internal temperature controller and or you don't wish to use it.

When I first got my Apex I used the basic settings and didn't get in to custom programming very much but as time went on I discovered the power of these controllers with it's custom programming. That being said I would highly recommend that you download and read the Unofficial Apex guide. There is a link to it in the Neptune forums on RC.

What I would do for a chiller is the following.

Browse to the outlet setup.


Choose the outlet that your chiller is connected to and change the programming type to custom.

Fallback OFF
If Temp > RT+1.0 Then On
Defer 001:00 Then On
If FeedA 000 Then Off
If Outlet Return = OFF Then OFF 
If Outlet WaterChange = ON Then OFF


This would be an example of a custom program that will do the following. Each line is explained.

1. Default action is Off
2. If the temperature detected by the temp probe is greater than 1 degree than the defined temperature in the season table turn the chiller on
3. Defer activation of the chiller for 1 minute
4. If FeedA is 000 then turn Off
5. If my return pump is off then turn off the chiller
6. If the Virtual Outlet named WaterChange is On then turn the chiller off

The way the Apex operates is it will look at the above program and execute it's process sequentially, meaning it reads step one and determines which action to perform then moves on to step 2, step 3, etc...

The last two lines are ones that are added as a convienence to myself. I have coding in every outlet that if my return pump is off that everything else should be off with the exception of my Vortech which can sustain life in the tank in the event of a power failure, equipment failure etc... The virtual outlet WaterChange is just what it sounds like. When I do water changes I turn this virtual outlet on and that in turn will turn off my heater,chiller,skimmer,vortech and turn on my Fuge light so I can see what's going on in the sump area.

If you are not using the season table to control the temperature of your tank then you will need to replace the logic in line 3 to something like this.

If Temp > 81 Then On

If your chiller does have an internal temperature setting and you don't want to use it then you should set the chiller to the lowest possible setting temperature that you want your tank to ever get to. Meaning that it will actively chill the water as soon as it is turned on via the Apex and not cool the tank to a point where it causes the livestock distress & or death.
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Also if you are new to the world of controllers then it would be good to get in to a pessimistic mindset when you program things.

Stuff is going to break and things will go wrong, leverage that knowledge to your benefit and try to prevent it via programming before it happens.
I just want to know why the chiller and heater are on at the same time???:wildone:

It was probably just a list of high wattage items.

It's also possible for all three to be on if the chiller & heater programs are not setup properly. Ie chiller on until temp drops to 77. Heater on until temp reaches 78
yea it's an AC jr Well I was messing with the controller and noticed that it had a pre programed setting on its internal memory so I chose it and noticed where it had the chiller and heater placed on the dc8 so I put them there deleted what I didn't need and ran an extension cord from another outlet for the chiller as well and it seems to be running right now so now all I have to figure out is how to calibrate the ph.