Need help!


New member
So I've had my tank up and cycled for about a month or so. After introducing some CUC and couple fish and live rock I had a small rise in what I thought was diatoms so I said meh it's fine they'll go away. I cleaned the glass and siphoned the substrate. Everything was fine for a day or two and they (diatoms) started to creep up again.

Yesterday I noticed my wavemaker on one side of the tank was getting that brown dust like thing again so I said damn... here we go again. Today I looked at it and it was gone but I noticed the glass next to it grew the round brown dots and I noticed little hairs coming out from them and the wavemakers cable. Now I'm not sure wether it's diatoms or something else...

I will include the two pictures I managed to get since it's hard to focus on it.

Thanks for your help!!

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Your tank is only a month old you will have a lot more algae coming which is normal just let it ride until 9 months.

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Lol. That's nothing. What a few months your tank is going to look like crap. It needs to establish. Your going to have all kinds of ugly algae.

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Welcome to a new tank.. TOTALLY NORMAL...

Looks like tiny strands of green hair algae and often new tanks get a brown "peach fuzz" type algae/growth that grows on plastic/cables,etc... in addition to yes diatoms/green film and hair algae and even cyanobacteria.. This is all quite common for the first year or so..
Don't overreact.. we all get it.
Alright thanks guys!!! As you can tell I'm 100% new to the hobby and was probably overreacting a little hahaha I just didn't want a nuisance algae to take over my tank and make it 100 times harder to get rid of it

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By the way not sure why I can't like everyone's comments helping but just know I appreciate all the replies guys

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