Need lights

S.FL Reefer

New member
Hello everyone do any of you have a 20" light fixture. I need a fixture that will be good enough for a BTA in my 10 gallon. If anyone has one pleaes post a pic and price
Your lighting options for a 10g tank are somewhat limited. I don't think T5 and VHO are made under 24". PCs can be found, but I don't think I would keep an anemone under PC lighting. I run a 40w PC bulb (DIY) over a 10g tank that I use to quarantine corals, but that's just for short term observation. You may want to look into 70w MHs for nano tanks, but then heat may become an issue.

I would urge you to exercise extreme caution here. Anemones demand high water quality and stability (temperature and water chemistry). All of these things are difficult to maintain with such small water volumes.
I've had and seen BTA's many a times under less light than MH. They are one of the only anem's I would say could be kept without having MH. In fact, I would almost say that BTA's can do better under VHO than MH sometimes. 10 Gal will be cramped for it, though, as they like to move around a lot. Make sure you have about 10W/G if you're going VHO though.
my BTAs hated my MH and ran for the hills... then my peppermint picked them to death... so the light didnt really matter...


I agree, BTA are amongst the least light requiring enemones BUT they need to be kept well fed with good water quality. The minimum i would go is 40watts over a 10gal. I have this

if you want to try it but you have to come pick it up in Coral Gables. $30.
