Need opinions on choosing ATO


New member
Good afternoon all,

I need a ATO and don't know which one to go with. I am stuck between 2 the JBJ or the If you guys have any experience with these please fill me in.

Thank you ,
I recently installed the tunze osmolator. I dont have alot of experience with this but the installation was extremely easy and it works great. I have a friend that has a direct topoff with float from his RO system and he had some trouble with it when I went to see his tank. (The float wasnt fully closing the line and his sump level was higher than normal).
I have both tunze and an older elos. Both work well. Prefer the tunze, but its pricey. Its by far the best reviewed ato on the market.
The Tunze has an alarm for overfill and it also has a setting so it will alarm if your pump runs for 10 mins without water level change (water in reservoir low or pump failure).

You can disable/enable this with a switch inside the Tunze controller.
I see nobody cares for the ATOs I asked about lol.

Tunze ato is a very nice unit. There is nothing wrong with the two units you mentioned. Having run both. I highly recommend the setup. It's what I've been running for over 3 years with no issues. If you had $150 to blow on a ato, go for the Tunze. Otherwise the autotopoff unit with the backup sensor and snail guard is the way to go in my opinion.
Another thing to keep in mind is overall package. The Elos ato I have is just one sensor and doesn't take up much space, same goes for the tunze unit. If you don't have a lot of space to work with, consider one of the two.
Tunze ato is a very nice unit. There is nothing wrong with the two units you mentioned. Having run both. I highly recommend the setup. It's what I've been running for over 3 years with no issues. If you had $150 to blow on a ato, go for the Tunze. Otherwise the autotopoff unit with the backup sensor and snail guard is the way to go in my opinion.

I use this one too. I had to replace the relay in it because i got it wet. To my surprise, it was a quick easy fix. The company sells the parts cheap too.
If you want to go the cheaper route...I had a double float hooked to an aqualifter pump for 2 years. It finally failed at the 2 year mark when the lower float got stuck...good thing the upper float worked well. It was totally my fault...I guess I should have cleaned it sooner than 2 years! lol