need SAND


New member
where n miami can i go and buy cheap SAND!!!!!!!!

i need it with a quickness

ineed about a 100 pounds,....

cananyone tell me what thedeal was with that South Down ??? or what sand can i buy in Home Depot if thats still out there????

sand beds make the tank look 10 times better. Sorry to hyjack thread but wanted to know if anyone know wur to get southdown sand in miami and the cleaning procedure, need some for my 150.
thats what i was asking, was where to get the southdown sand??? i need some too, or first... haha

ya, MY next tank will probably be barebottom, but he wants sand in his
Southdown and YardRight aren't available anymore.
OldCastle purchased them years ago.

I've read that OldCastle doesn't even sell the aragonite caribbean play sand anymore.
Supposedly their supplier in the caribbean went out of business, but who can tell with all the internet rumors?

The stuff they sell now is KolorScape white play sand.
I've seen it on the web available at True Value Hardware.
I have no idea if it is quartz or calcium based.

Maybe if someone lives near a True Value they could go pickup a bag and check it out for us.
It should be easy to tell with a vinegar test and a macro photo of the grains.
If they are round grained and bubble in vinegar, then they're oolitic calcium based sand and we can all stop searching.