need some info


Active member
hi im starting to really get into zoas, not the named ones but just the ones i like at my LFS. before i started to really like zoas and palys i use to collect all different kinds of mushrooms and from my research most zoas and palys like the conditions mushrooms like. correct me if im wrong. so if i can get mushrooms to spread really good then i should be able to get zoas to spread really good as well?

i would like to know a few things:

how can you tell the difference between a zoa and a paly, i have looked and it said palys use sand in their structure. that isnt always true though because i recently bought some magician palys and they had no sand in their structure.

this week im going to pick up some Purple Death palys from a local reefer, i heard they look more purple in less light and was wondering which tank i should put them in, a 20 long with 130w power compacts in the sand bed or a standard 10g with 48w t5ho fixture at the bottom.

what are some diseases i should look out for when im at the lfs looking for zoas and palys?

thanks for any help
Zoos and mushrooms generally like the same conditions so you should be fine. Palys tend to be bigger and can elicit a feeding response to meaty foods that zoas do not. As far as the Puple deaths go, usually the higher the K rating, the more purple they look. Whatever tank is more "blue" that is where I would put them.

Get some Revive or Coral RX and dip whatever zoas/palys you bring in. I would also invest in some Furan II which is a great dip for bacterial infections (including zoa pox). Flat worm exit is also good to have on hand for zoa eating nudis. Dip the corals and give them a close inspection looking for any pest.

If the polyps are open and colorfull, generally they are in good shape. Closed or partially closed polyps can be a sign of disease/predators. Look for little bites from nudis or sundial snails as you don't want to introduce those things.
Zoas love nutrient rich water so if you forget to do a water change they are generally more forgiving than lets say acroporas and other sps corals. ..hth
does that mean they like nitrates. if not can you please explain to me what nutrient rich water means.
I have nanos so I do weekly water changes, even in my zoo only tank. They don't like high nitrates, but they can be more forgiving then SPS or LPS. How did you run your shroom tanks?
i only did a water change every week and a half with real ocean water, never doesed anything. im putting the zoas in the tank with the mushrooms.