Need some stand and leveling advice.


New member
I am preparing to build the stand for the 72x30x25 I just ordered and need some advice on leveling the tank. I'm having the tank delivered and place on the stand directly. It will be very difficult for me to move the tank after it is placed so it needs to be right the first time. The install will be in the wall of my finished basement, converting part of my work room into a fish room. I will be building the support framing out of 2X6's around the perimeter with cross supports at 24" along the 72" side. The frame will be supported with 4X4's at the corners and mid way down the 72" length. A little overkill, but better safe than sorry.

Here are my thoughts to ensure a level platform. Of course I'll do the best I can to have the stand level during construction but with cement flooring and only a 3 ft level and my knowing my capabilities I can't expect it to be perfectly level. I was thinking of putting a 3/8" ply top on the framing, adding about a ½" perimeter rim then using floor leveling compound to have gravity level the surface for me. On top of the leveling compound I was planning a ½" foam sheet. A few questions:

1. Will this work to get me a level surface for the tank to rest on?
2. Will the leveling compound withstand the occasional flood of salt water as I learn how to handle this tank?
3. Should I put another piece of ply over the leveling compound before the foam sheet?
4. Is the foam sheet a good idea or needed? The fish room holds a constant 65 degrees in winter and about 60 in summer when the AC is running. I was thinking it would be good for heat conservation. I will be running florescent lighting the first year or two as a FOWLR set-up and plan on LED's when I can afford to evolve into a mixed reef system so heating from the lights will be minimal at best.
5. I was considering painting the stand, back of the drywall (it is the moisture resistant stuff for bathroom applications) and 2x4 wall framing with either UGL dry lock or epoxy floor paint to seal against water & salt spray. Is this a good choice or should I use another product to seal the exposed areas?

Thanks for your help.