Need sump/refugium ideas


New member
Hi guys,

Well after seeing some of the amazing pictures of the tanks you guys have I have been thinking that I really need a sump/refugium. Here is the problem, I have no idea how to even begin about building one. I was thinking a 10 gallon was enough for my 29 gallon reef. Also, since my tank is already set up and I dont have anywhere to put the corals inorder to drill the tank I was thinking that I have to use a CPR box. Does anybody know how big it has to be, if I can build one myself or where to find one cheap. If anybody has any imput or a picture of the sump set up you are using it would really be great. Also I need some ideas about what pump to use. thanks
If your going to make a sump/refugium I would use at least a 15 gallon tank. One of the smaller mag pumps would be fine.
i have and old hang on back skimmer refeugium wich it worck with a maxujet 1200 it was on my old 20 long if you like send me a pm i am looking for a 20g glass tall not long if you get me one the refeugium is youres
I have a 29g display and a 25g sump (not really, it uses about 20gals max). Click the little red house to check it out, lots of pictures. Any info feel free to ask away. I will have a return pump for sale and maybe some piping too in a few days. I am redoing my sump return pump. Let me know, I made my own sump too.
BTW I would just get a regular overflow with a U-tube, seem much easier to start the overflow when it loses siphon. Mine has never lose siphon unless it was deliberate.

I would go with a 20L tank for a sump, lots of room for a refugium!

my simple low$$ refugium.

details to follow
i use a aquaclear 70 hob filter. I just yanked out the insides and added sand rubble and chaeto. i only have a 37 but there is a noticeable difference. I was skeptical at first but after a month i saw a spike in pod production. the chaeto really grows and needs to be trimmed every few days.

i use a clamp shoplight and a 6500k bulb from walmart.
works for me

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I have a 10gl refugium hooked up to my 29gl, i got a overflow box from a LFS and hooked a maxijet and tubing up to a return head. Keep my heater and skimmer in the fuge. Works great for me.