Needing a chiller


New member
I have found the need for a chiller. I have a300 gallon reef that I am having to much fluctuatiion with temp. I waslooking at the Tunze super 1/3 hp. Has anyone had anyluck with this chiller or is there a better one out there? I do like how it controls the heater as well and that is what I am looking for. A plug and play unit that will keep temp stable.
I have 280 gallons of total volume with a 1/2 hp dual controll commercal currant prime inline chiller. I use a smaller second pump for a lower flow with it. I went with a 1/2 hp because it was on sale and about the same price as a smaller one and it cools quicker and runs for shorter times. It hasn't missed a lick for two years.