Neon Pseudochromis dottyback for sale


New member
Does anyone want to buy a Neon Pseudochromis. I wouldn't mind trading for soft coral frags... if not I guess $20? I put him in my refugium when I got him but I think it might be depleting my critter population in there...
Wow ... these are great fish! I rescued one from Petco but donated him to the St. Jude's tank for the very same reason ... they are pod eating machines.

Great fish though. Awesome personality and gorgeous.

I kinda miss mine ... if no one else takes him I might try him.
On the dottyback aggressive scale, the neon is pretty high I think and dottybacks are really aggressive with each other.

For example in my 55, I already have an orchid dottyback and putting the neon in there that I had was out of the question.
I have a green mandarin in my 75 gal tank who depends greatly on the pods also a bicolor pseudochromis. I would love to get this fish. But will he eat the brine shrimp and mysis that I feed the others and leave the pods to the mandarin.
How does he act with other fish? Would it be a problem with a Bicolor Pseudochromis?

I would probably think so, how big is your bicolor pseudochromis? The dotty back is probably almost two inches long if I had to guess, I can get an accurate measurement tom. He was fairly aggressive toward some damsel fish, but I have a weird white saltwater basslet and the two of them get along great and its only a 7.5 gal refugium. I am not sure why I put the fish in there instead of the tank but since then I have been thinking fish shouldn't go in a refugium. I will get pictures posted tom of both fish tom too.
Thanks for replying back. My pseudochromis is at least that big or bigger but I also have some anthias and clowns. I couldnt stand the thought of it picking up on them. If Dave wants him let him have him.