It's a 60x30x30 I've inherited in a trade. It has thrown me for a bit of a loop, as I was originally building a large sump system and fish room with the idea of having a peaceful community tank in my 75. I am now having visions of larger, more I'll tempered things swimming in this glass bathtub.
I also believe my ideas may be bigger than my reality.
I have been considering getting another niger trigger, as "Bob the builder" was a big hit in my old tank years ago ( he would stack small rocks up, thus the name. The thing would also play fetch with a rock, and carry algae wafers around like a bone.). I love trigger fish, so another less evil (no undulates or humas) would be on my list.
Any of the tang family is interesting. I think, if my rock work island plan is succesful, they would have sufficient swimming space. I love the powder blue and chocolate both. No interest in the yellows.
Grouper - I absolutely adore the miniatus grouper. I also know they become large hoover vacumn cleaners in the wild, I had the misfortune of getting between a 100+# black grouper and dinner on a dive one night. That hurt like the blazes! Any chance of him existing happily in this setup?
I really want A big angel ( don't need multiples unless it's just a wonderful idea...which , if I remember right, it's not! ). I have had the pleasure of filming one of the largest emperors ever seen in the gulf, and have interacted with most of the larger species. I think the emperor may get to aggressive to quickly, even with the tank size.... what about a queen?
Other suggestions are welcome. I have some time, stocking won't begin for a year or so.
I also believe my ideas may be bigger than my reality.
I have been considering getting another niger trigger, as "Bob the builder" was a big hit in my old tank years ago ( he would stack small rocks up, thus the name. The thing would also play fetch with a rock, and carry algae wafers around like a bone.). I love trigger fish, so another less evil (no undulates or humas) would be on my list.
Any of the tang family is interesting. I think, if my rock work island plan is succesful, they would have sufficient swimming space. I love the powder blue and chocolate both. No interest in the yellows.
Grouper - I absolutely adore the miniatus grouper. I also know they become large hoover vacumn cleaners in the wild, I had the misfortune of getting between a 100+# black grouper and dinner on a dive one night. That hurt like the blazes! Any chance of him existing happily in this setup?
I really want A big angel ( don't need multiples unless it's just a wonderful idea...which , if I remember right, it's not! ). I have had the pleasure of filming one of the largest emperors ever seen in the gulf, and have interacted with most of the larger species. I think the emperor may get to aggressive to quickly, even with the tank size.... what about a queen?
Other suggestions are welcome. I have some time, stocking won't begin for a year or so.