New 29 Gallon FOWLR Setup


New member
Hi Everyone,

I am new to the saltwater tank world. I am planning on setting up a 29 Gallon FOWLR tank in the coming weeks. I wanted to run my plans by more experienced people in this hobby.

So this is my projected list....some I have and some not yet

29 Gallon glass aquarium and stand
30 lbs of live rock
40 lbs of live sand
Aquatic Life RO/DI
API Saltwater Master Test Kit
2x Koralia nano 240gph (will this be sufficient or should I do 1 larger powerhead)
100W Heater
hydrometer or refractometer
Instant Ocean salt

I am also looking for a good HOB protein skimmer however I feel as though I've been going in circles with reviews and research. Does anyone have a good idea of a skimmer that would work for my 30 Gallon. I'm not totally trying to break the bank for one but understand the importance of having the best one possible.

After research I was planning on starting without a mechanical filter (since I'll have enough LR and a skimmer), or do you suggest I include one as well?

Thanks Everyone in advance.
I would get a filter before a skimmer. Though both good to have. A mechanical filter will physically remove waste from your system before it completely breaks down.

Many people run successful setups without protein skimmers. Each layer of filtration makes your system more robust.