New 300 Cycle?


New member
I have my 300 up and running for about two weeks with just sand in it. I am going to transfer my l.r. and fish from my 150 to the 300. I have about 300lbs of l.r. in my 150, When I move my fish and rock into my 300 will it cycle? or should I add shrimp to the tank before I add my fish and L.r.? I also have 200 lbs of rock out of my 110 that I just re cured to get rid of an ich problem in that tank. That rock was added to the 300 today. Any advice is appreciated.
I'd give the sandbed in the 300 some time to get populated from the rock you've already added. I would also guess that there would be a cycle from adding another batch of rock from your 150 just from disturbing the rock and sand when removing it.
I would add a "test" dead shrimp first, monitor ammonia, nitrate and nitrite until they are zero, then slowly add the rest. each time you add livestock (LR, fish, etc.) expect a small cycle
so you won't kill anything if your tank cycles, a dead animal will produce ammonia that will test the denitrification ability of your tank or yes, the ability to handle the bioload