Bought live rocks/fish from a seller on craigslist. I completed the transfer of livestock from his matured red sea max 250 tank to my exact same tank a few days ago. The rocks had purple coralline agae covered throughout. Obviously, after 3 days, I saw some die off as patches on the rocks turned white. I guess this is normal and the coralline will come back? The two fishes that were included are doing well. My nitrate is currently at 0, nitrite at 0.1, nitrate 0, dKa alkalinity 2.4, phosphate 0. Sand is completely new, about 2" depth. I want to transition this to a simple reef tank as it is FOWLR right now. Just a couple of questions.
1. Currently house a blueface angel and a blue/green chromis. I want at least a tang and two clown and maybe a foxface. Is this okay?
2. Do I need a cuc and should I buy some now? Rocks does have some green hair algae. Basically I want to keep the sand clean and waste exported. Thinking of pistol shrimp, sea cucumber, brittle starfish and snails. What kind of snail? I'm a little hesitant about snail because when I had a freshwater tank, these snail breed out of control.
3. I'm using ro/di water. How long should I leave my lights on with this current setup given that I would like to keep the coralline and rid of the green hair algae?
4. What should I monitor for daily? I'm thinking ammonia, nitrite and nitrate
5. What is the recommended food for the fishes I currently have and planned on having? mini algae grazers may work?
6. What type of corals should I start out with and the earliest timeframe that I can begin to add them to the tank? Obviously, my tank is somewhat established because of the live rocks and low bioload
<a href=""><img src="" height="531" width="800" /></a>
1. Currently house a blueface angel and a blue/green chromis. I want at least a tang and two clown and maybe a foxface. Is this okay?
2. Do I need a cuc and should I buy some now? Rocks does have some green hair algae. Basically I want to keep the sand clean and waste exported. Thinking of pistol shrimp, sea cucumber, brittle starfish and snails. What kind of snail? I'm a little hesitant about snail because when I had a freshwater tank, these snail breed out of control.
3. I'm using ro/di water. How long should I leave my lights on with this current setup given that I would like to keep the coralline and rid of the green hair algae?
4. What should I monitor for daily? I'm thinking ammonia, nitrite and nitrate
5. What is the recommended food for the fishes I currently have and planned on having? mini algae grazers may work?
6. What type of corals should I start out with and the earliest timeframe that I can begin to add them to the tank? Obviously, my tank is somewhat established because of the live rocks and low bioload
<a href=""><img src="" height="531" width="800" /></a>