New 75g Progress


New member
Hello fellow South FL reefers,i just wanted to post my new75g Build. It will eventually be all SPS, with an exception of a anemone for my clowns. The tank is 4 weeks old, and i have now started to add livestock little by little Please comment and Critique , as well as opinions on what to do to better to improve the it is

2 175w 20k , ran by PFO DUAL ballast

2 Hagen Aquaclear 70(400GPH each)/The will be replaced by 2
Koralias2. Mag 7 return Pump

100-120Lbs of LR, 20g Sump, With chaeato

Week One
Just add Watter

An unwelcomed visitor


week 3. Some new friends arrived, The are a blue tang, black ocelaris clown, true perc, and cleaner shrimp. eventualy i plan to enlarge this list , but i want some corals first then fish.



Well this is week 4 and i just added new corals. I cant wait till sunday Frag Swap so i can get more stuff. As the tank stands now this are the new additions, not much but its a start.


Unknown Monti frag From my Biocube

ORA Hawkins Echinata(nice Shimp Molt)

Ora Spongodes(lPolyps are a Little Beached, but they are coming back
nice and purple)
Unknown Acro or some sort of SPS

Unknown SPS(was in the rock wen i bought it)

Yellow Carpet, and True Perc(this one is mean kicked the black one out)

Bubble and Black Ocelaris (his new home after being evicted)

Blue Millie( and a Peckaboo shot of Doris)
Hey Carlos, glad to hear from you. The 175's are pretty good. However i think im going to change form 20k to 12k reeflux or 15k iwasakis. I hear they give out great par. I dont really want to give up the Blue of the 20k but i feel its necessary to achieve maximum performance, on these lights. Then i will be using t-5 or vho's as supplements. Other than that No complaints. It might be that the bulbs im using are about 1 year old. I got them from the guy you told me.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12010236#post12010236 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by milsaltnewbie07
Unknown Acro or some sort of SPS

I am still trying to figure out an id on it. It might be a chips acropora but not 100% sure. Thats a frag from my colony that I gave to James aka Currentking who gave/sold it to you.

Do you still have the sunset montipora?

No no skimmer for now. I will get one eventually . As far as water quality i do 10g water changes weekly. I know that most people swear by skimmers, but i have never used one. However like i said this will change in this tank.
It sounds like you know what you're doing from hearty previous experience.... And I hope that's the case... Because even I wouldn't feel comfortable keeping... well.... any of the stuff that you've put in there in the 4th week of a new tank... But if you're confident and knowledgable, then more power to you.

That being said, when you grow out the Spongodes, Hawkins Echinata, and that unknown Monti a bit more, I would be interested in trading. I've got a few corals with names on them too. I'll be bringing a bunch to the swap as well, if you want to trade at the swap :)

Either way, I wish you the best on the new tank, it looks like it's doing well so far, and I look forward to having you in the club this year :D

Welcome again!
the canopy looks a bit for short mh's make sure there not too close to the water! and one thing ive learned so far about sps is that its not guna happen without a good skimmer in addition to your weekly 10g water changes but hopfully youll have better luck than me ;) btw u should slow down bit t seems like your rushing a little
Thank and ur welcome

Be more that happy to trade some frags whenever the grow a bit. I have frags of the Spongodes and the Monti that i just put in my Biocube. Everything grows like weeds in there.Also i placed all those coral in there for like two weeks before moving them to the 75, will continue to do so in future. NO skimmer there eather.
In all reality this will be my 3 tank and havent used a skimmer in none. I had a 55 before when i lived in Japan, then moved it to Denver, and never used a skimmer and was mostly sps/lps. but then again it was maybe luck. I did 10g water changes weekly as well. However like i said when i get some xtra cash ill definetly get one because i know the do wonders.I also got some monti that one has been able to id in my nano that it really cool. but its slow grower. Its been taking of lately but hopefully ill frag soon. It was sold to me as supergirls monti, here is a pic

You are 100% right the canopy is supper short for the tank. I just cut some peices of wood to raise it up about 4in more. The lights are about 8in of the water with the lift. Im going to build a new Canopy. But can complain i got this on for free.THanks for advice, im going to wait about 2 more weeks before adding new things, Everything i get for the swap ill place in my nano. Thanks for the advice on lights

Once again thank you all
Nice pics too. I really like the diversity you've got :)

I can imagine that with religious 10g water changes every week, you really wouldn't need much of a skimmer, especially if you've got a light fish load, but you've got a medium fish load. I'm interested to see where this goes :)
Yea i hope this one does well, i can wait to ge new bulbs. Im debating on 15k iwasaki's or 12k reeflux. I know that iwasakis have the best par but reeflux have more blue and better color or so i hear> i am a fan of blue rather than growth